Resources for AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam (CLF-C02) and free study guide download.

Resources for AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam (CLF-C02) and free study guide download.
Film photography first thoughts and costs associated with buying and using Ilford Sprite 35-II, and developing film with The Darkroom.
How to check or update your link previews on LinkedIn posts with LinkedIn Post Inspector.
Resources for leaving domestic violence situation in Maryland, in English and Japanese.
Learn how to update your link’s Twitter Card metadata by using the Twitter Cards Validator Tool! What even are Twitter Cards anyways?!
Interested in becoming a LinkedIn Learning Instructor? I’ve published 8 courses with LinkedIn Learning, and will share the pros/cons!
Sharing my favorite tools I use as a newbie YouTuber to help me edit and publish videos on YouTube!
Short tutorial on how to quickly set up your computer’s audio to pass-through to your livestream via OBS using BlackHole.
Learn about JavaScript Statements, JavaScript Syntax, Data Types, Display Possibilities, and Good Practices for beginners.
What is Understanding by Design? It’s a way of creating curriculum content “backwards” by starting with “What do we want students to learn?”