As may of you may know, the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam (CLF-C02) had a huge update in September 2023, turning it from CLF-C01 to CLF-C02. There was a lot of content added, including a lot of services and a few frameworks and concepts.
My AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam preparation courses hosted at LinkedIn Learning have all been updated to help you prepare for the CLF-C02 update! Check them out here: Introduction to AWS For Non-Engineers!
I’m currently hard at work preparing the updates for my LinkedIn Learning course series, “Introduction to AWS for Non-Engineers,” but in the meantime, I wanted to create a resource dump for those of you hoping to take the exam before the updates are released!
Scroll to the bottom for a FREE CLF-C02 Study Guide I created as a gift to you!
Resources for AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam
- AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam Official Exam Guide (free): learn all about the CLF-C02 exam as well as download the official exam guide
- AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Official Practice Exam (requires AWS Skill Builder subscription): Scored like an official exam, it’ll provide you with your grade to see if you’re well-prepared to pass the exam or not (you need 700/1000 points to pass)
- AWS Skill Builder (monthly subscription after 7 days free): While I’m always all for free resources, I highly recommend you utilize the 7 days free trial for AWS Skill Builder. It’s jam packed with exam prep courses, general technical courses, official practice exams, and various gamified study resources to help you prepare for your certification exams
- Official Courses:
- AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials (free): TAKE THIS COURSE FIRST IF YOU ARE A CLOUD BEGINNER! I loved it! Has quiz questions as well
- Getting Started with AWS Cloud Essentials (free): more text and diagrams-heavy version of the previous course; may be more for you if you want to read more than watch
- Exam Prep Enhanced Course: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (Skill Builder subscription): this is a comprehensive exam prep course with videos, flash cards, quizzes, sample exam questions, and more (11 hours!)
- Exam Prep Standard Course: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (free): not as comprehensive, and not a comprehensive exam preparation course, but provides guides on what to study for and explains the CLF-C02 exam and its format (4.5 hours)
- Games:
- AWS Cloud Quest: Cloud Practitioner (free): learn about core AWS concepts through a role playing game
- AWS Escape Room: Exam Prep for AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C02) (Skill Builder subscription): another exam prep game for the gamers !
AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam (CLF-C02) Free Study Guide
I created a free 10 page study guide to help you get started on your CLF-C02 studying! Remember, this is extremely unofficial, and only to be utilized as a guide. You’ll need to use this to figure out what content area to brush up on before taking the exam. Use the resources provided in this blog post as well as other resources available online, and I hope you’ll ace that certification exam in no time!
(And remember, you can take my courses at LinkedIn Learning with over 515,000 learners here: Introduction to AWS for Non-Engineers!)

FREE AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam (CLF-C02) Study Guide
Downloading and tipping service provided by Ko-Fi.
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