Resources for AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam (CLF-C02) and free study guide download.

Resources for AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam (CLF-C02) and free study guide download.
Hiroko had life-saving brain surgery at 22 which took away her ability to convey her thoughts through writing. At 33, she published her first book.
How to check or update your link previews on LinkedIn posts with LinkedIn Post Inspector.
Brain surgery left me with debilitating disabilities. It was only after I embraced my needs and accommodations that I found a dream career in tech as a technical writer and published author.
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My journey from “AWS Newbies” to “AWS Hero” 2.5 years of Cloud Computing community building!
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Short tutorial on how to quickly set up your computer’s audio to pass-through to your livestream via OBS using BlackHole.