Sharing my favorite tools I use as a newbie YouTuber to help me edit and publish videos on YouTube!

Sharing my favorite tools I use as a newbie YouTuber to help me edit and publish videos on YouTube!
My journey from “AWS Newbies” to “AWS Hero” 2.5 years of Cloud Computing community building!
I just published my first egghead lesson! The instructor feedback process, the iterations, and what I learned in the process.
What is Understanding by Design? It’s a way of creating curriculum content “backwards” by starting with “What do we want students to learn?”
How I went from Special Ed teacher to working in IT to teaching AWS on LinkedIn Learning & becoming an AWS Community Leader.
I learned about many AWS Cloud Career Training Programs and Employment initiatives while attending AWS re:Invent. Looking to start your career in Cloud Computing? Check this post out!
What I learned from 7 Months, 123 Sales, and $1,377.75 in Revenue from using a “Pay What You Want” model for my eBook.
I was flown out for a week to SoCal to record courses with LinkedIn Learning for Introduction to AWS for Non-Engineers video course series!
I recorded my first course with LinkedIn Learning in LA! Here’s my experience.