Why I Run

Why I Run

I have never been a “natural athlete.” I have never had talents for the athletics, and I trip over air periodically.  Knowing this (I guess I was always a slow slothy child), my parents put me through vigorous athletic childhood.  I swam for 10 years (2 to 12 years old), and played tennis for almost…

Our March for Brain Injury Awareness

Our March for Brain Injury Awareness

This year’s hashtag/motto for Brain Injury Association of America‘s Brain Injury Awareness Month is #NotAloneInBrainInjury. The campaign for 2016~2017 is “Not Alone“: The Not Alone campaign provides a platform for educating the general public about the incidence of brain injury and the needs of people with brain injuries and their families. The campaign also lends itself…

2016: Year of ME

2016: Year of ME

2015 was focused on getting my feet rooted to the ground, reestablishing the “new normal” as a working woman after 20 some years spent as a student (quite a few of them spent ill). 2016 will be a year focused on ME: my physical/spiritual well-being, as well as in fostering relationships with those around me. 2015 was filled…