You need a lot of software and services when you go into self-employment. Here are the top 4 tools that every new freelancer should get!

You need a lot of software and services when you go into self-employment. Here are the top 4 tools that every new freelancer should get!
There are many things to consider before making the leap from corporate to self-employment. In this Podcast episode, I go over the 5 ways I prepared financially to leave my full-time job.
What I learned from 7 Months, 123 Sales, and $1,377.75 in Revenue from using a “Pay What You Want” model for my eBook.
I was flown out for a week to SoCal to record courses with LinkedIn Learning for Introduction to AWS for Non-Engineers video course series!
Some books are more influential than others. Here are 8 books that have helped me become an entrepreneur.
Being a small business owner is expensive. Here are 4 alternatives to Adobe Acrobat to edit PDF files for free.
Starting a freelance career or a side hustle? Here are some tools to make your Day 1 as a boss a smooth sailing.
Seizures can happen to anyone. According to a study published by researchers at the CDC, almost 1 in 100 people has active epilepsy. Seizures can also happen to people who do not have seizure disorder or epilepsy. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 1 in 10 people has had a seizure. Movies portray…