Inspired by a personal finance memoir, “The Year of Less,” I’m going to challenge myself to a “No Spend Month” for the month of April!

Inspired by a personal finance memoir, “The Year of Less,” I’m going to challenge myself to a “No Spend Month” for the month of April!
We have a product/service to sell… But how exactly do we GET THE MONEY? I’ll show you tools I use to get money from my clients into my bank account.
You need a lot of software and services when you go into self-employment. Here are the top 4 tools that every new freelancer should get!
There are many things to consider before making the leap from corporate to self-employment. In this Podcast episode, I go over the 5 ways I prepared financially to leave my full-time job.
What I learned from 7 Months, 123 Sales, and $1,377.75 in Revenue from using a “Pay What You Want” model for my eBook.
Being a small business owner is expensive. Here are 4 alternatives to Adobe Acrobat to edit PDF files for free.
The last time I wrote a monthly recap post was last January. (Mostly because I had a GREAT January, and then I crashed in February and could barely function for a whole month.) I don’t know if this one will continue, but I figure let’s try it again! Work + Hustles + Tech LinkedIn Learning…
2018. What can I say, except wow. It was a year of many many unexpected beginnings, trials, and impact on my identity as a person. I said Yes to many things, and No to others, and being able to realize my boundaries and limitations have allowed me to find myself in situations that I couldn’t…
Birthday is for Sushi and Cake. This is birthday law. It’s the one day of the year where calories from cake don’t count! I asked Dr. Atkins. It’s true! Get ready for some foodgasms!! Ok all jokes aside, I was not sure at all how my actual birthday was going to turn out. I’d kind…
As we ascend further into realm of Digitalization and Tech, there is one aspect quickly becoming outdated in many industries: Working Strictly Onsite. With increasing number of companies embracing flexible work arrangements including flexible hours and remote work, companies are redefining what it means to be an “full-benefits employee.” One big thing I look for…