How does one self-publish a successful ebook? I investigate what highly successful author Nathan Barry (founder of ConvertKit) had to say.

How does one self-publish a successful ebook? I investigate what highly successful author Nathan Barry (founder of ConvertKit) had to say.
Some books are more influential than others. Here are 8 books that have helped me become an entrepreneur.
The last time I wrote a monthly recap post was last January. (Mostly because I had a GREAT January, and then I crashed in February and could barely function for a whole month.) I don’t know if this one will continue, but I figure let’s try it again! Work + Hustles + Tech LinkedIn Learning…
The first month of 2018 has come and gone, and it was definitely an eventful month. Coding I was awarded Google Developer Challenge Scholarship from Google and Udacity to work on the Frontend Development Track. Started learning JavaScript for the first time. Finished #100DaysOfCodeChallenge Round 1 – and blogged about it! I’m making steady headway into…
In early September, I began a coding challenge called the #100DaysOfCode Challenge. Basically, it challenges you to commit to coding for 1 hour a day for 100 days, and sharing your progress, questions, and thoughts on Twitter with the hashtag, #100DaysOfCode. I had no idea if I would finish 100 days (it’s a lot of…
So I read a lot. And it sounds expensive, because books are really expensive in the US, but in truth, I barely spent any money last year on books. There are so many ways to get free books LEGALLY, and I’m here to spill the beans, having compiled over 2 dozen ways to read for free…
Which “Four Tendency” personality trait are YOU? And how can you use your personality traits to help you live an easier life?