We have been on the phone and googling nonstop for a week, trying to find resources, organizations, and programs that can help a mother running away from domestic violence with babies. Unfortunately, we’ve come to find that most programs are too underfunded and in too high of a demand to take our friend in.
Despite that, there are some organizations we have received valuable information/resources from, and still others we are hoping will pan out. This is a live document! This blog post will be updated as we find more resources.
This is a bilingual blog post. Resources in Japanese will follow. DVから逃げているお母さん、女性を支援してる団体やプログラムを纏めています。特に日本語で対応してくれる団体にとても助けられたので、記事の後半に日本語で対応してくれる団体などを入れてます。
Most of the resources are for Maryland residents. You may be able to find similar programs in your own state as well!
*This is not legal advice. Just a collection of resources we’ve collected and advice we’ve received.*
Table of Contents
Things to Consider before Escaping
- Have important documents (Social Security Card, Birth Certificates, Passports, IDs), and if possible, have other documentations like Lease, Tax Returns, proof of employment, etc.
- Replace Birth Certificates: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/w2w/index.htm
- Contact the Vital Records office in your state or territory
- Replace Social Security Card: https://www.ssa.gov/myaccount/replacement-card.html
Financial Assistance
Cash Assistance
- Temporary Cash Assistance (TAP) Maryland Department of Human Services: https://dhs.maryland.gov/weathering-tough-times/temporary-cash-assistance/
- Maryland’s Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) Program
- Must apply for child support first
- Apply online or at Local Department of Social Services (1-800-332-6347)
- The Anchor Fund:https://www.anchorfund.org/request-a-donation
- Helps families in crisis in DC area with deposits for apartments
- The payments must be made to 3rd parties (ie: apartment complex)
- Hardship Relief Program:https://www.jfcufoundation.org/HardshipRelief
- Financial hardship grants: $250~3000
- Request a foundation grant application: info@jfcufoundation.org or 703.480.5300 (ext: 3158)
Child Care Assistance
- Child Care Scholarship (CCS) Department of Human Services:https://dhs.maryland.gov/child-care-scholarship-ccs/
- Provides financial assistance with child care costs to eligible working families in Maryland
- Within income guideline or recipient of Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Pursuing child support if both parents don’t live in the same household
- Maryland resident working/employed, in an approved training program, or attending school
- ChildCare.gov:https://childcare.gov/state-resources-home
- Local resources on child care, health and social services, financial assistance, support for children with special needs, etc. by state
Housing Assistance
- Bridge of Hope:https://bridgeofhopeinc.org/locations/
- Rental assistance and housing assistance for at-risk families
- A Wider Circle:https://awidercircle.org/how-we-help/
- Free furniture and workforce development services for people in need
Household Expenses Assistance
- Emergency Broadband Benefit FCC:https://www.fcc.gov/broadbandbenefit
- Discount up to $50/month towards boardband services
- One-time discount up to $100 to purchase a laptop, computer, or tablet
- For those with income at or below 135% of Federal Poverty Guidelines or participating in certain assistance programs
- Lifeline Support FCC:https://www.fcc.gov/lifeline-consumers
- Discount (up to $9.25/mo) on qualifying monthly telephone service, broadband internet service, or bundled voice-broadband packages
- Assurance Wireless:https://www.assurancewireless.com/
- Free smartphone, unlimited data/texts/minutes, 10GB hotspot data
- May qualify based on income, enrollment in public assistance programs (Medicaid, SNAP)
- Dollar Energy Fund:https://www.dollarenergy.org/need-help/
- Support with gas, electric, and water in 14 states for limited-income households
- Fuel Fund of Maryland: https://fuelfundmaryland.org/apply
- BGE energy cost assistance for low-income households
Food Assistance
- SNAP State Directory: https://www.fns.usda.gov/snap/state-directory
- Helps you identify SNAP programs running in your state, as well as how to apply and where to contact
- Great reference for program names specific to your state
- Maryland SNAP Outreach: https://mdfoodbank.org/hunger-in-maryland/approach/programs/snap-outreach/
- Registration assistance service offered by the Maryland Food Bank team to help sign households up with SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program)
- Program Coordinator: snapteam@mdfoodbank.org / (410) 737-8282
- Maryland Food Bank: https://mdfoodbank.org/find-food/
- Find food banks in Maryland near your place of residence via Zip Code
- (410) 737-8282
- Capital Area Food Bank:https://www.capitalareafoodbank.org/find-food-assistance/
- Search food banks serving DC area (DC, Virginia, Maryland) via Zip Code
- For Montgomery County and PG County residents
- Hunger Hotline: (202) 644-9807
- Salvation Army of Maryland:https://www.needhelppayingbills.com/html/salvation_army_maryland_financ.html
- 443-656-3376
Transportation Assistance
- Vehicles for Change: https://www.vehiclesforchange.org/eligibility/
- Provides donated cars for people on road to self-sufficiency but struggling with transportation
- For Maryland or Virginia residents with driver’s license in that state
- Have verifiable job offer or be working at least 30 hours/week
- Transportation Assistance Program (TAP) Maryland Department of Human Services: https://dhs.maryland.gov/weathering-tough-times/transportation-assistance-program-tap/
- Provides reliable used cars to serve low-income families for 2 years
- Inquire through local department of social services’ TAP coordinator or Vehicles for Change
Multiple Services
- Community Action Council of Howard County: https://cac-hc.org/get-help/
- Food assistance: through food bank
- Early childhood education: Head Start/pre-kindergarten programming for 3~5 years old
- Energy assistance: electric bills
- Housing assistance: financial assistance to prevent eviction
- Weatherization assistance: energy efficiency programs to reduce energy consumption
- JustLiving Advocacy:https://www.justlivingadvocacy.org/services
- Childcare subsidy, assistance, search
- Employment support for single mothers
Other Resources
Medical Assistance
- Maryland Health Connections:https://www.marylandhealthconnection.gov/
- Medical assistance for families, children and pregnant women
Immigration Assistance
- Luminus:https://www.beluminus.org/
- Affordable and pro bono immigration legal services
- USPS Change of Address: https://www.usa.gov/post-office
- Change your address with USPS for $1.10
- Requires a valid email address and a credit or debit card (with registered address that matches your new address)
- You can do it online or in person in the local post office (PS Form 3575)
- Discounted Amazon Prime for EBT and select government assistance recipients:https://amzn.to/3rhVUHK
- 50% off Amazon Prime subscription for those who have EBT cards (like SNAP, WIC, TANF)
- Full list of eligible programs
- Amazon accepts SNAP EBT
- MUST use Amazon Gift Card for Credit Card to register (no Debit Card)
- Self Credit Builder:https://www.self.inc/
- Credit building service for those with no or low credit score
- Build up credit score by putting money into a CD every month
Legal Assistance
- The People’s Law Library of Maryland: https://www.peoples-law.org/
- Legal clinic, law librarian, free legal advice
- Women’s Law Center of Maryland: http://www.wlcmd.org/
- Direct legal representation, information and referral services, and legislative advocacy for women
- Battered: What can I do? (PDF)
- Legal rights in marriage and divorce (PDF)
Japanese / 日本語サポート
- DVRP Survivor Services Program: https://dvrp.org/survivor-services-program/
- Free and confidential services in over 20 Asian/Pacific Islander languages
- Confidential helpline: 202-833-2233, info@dvrp.org
- Case management: resources with shelter, emergency transportation, interpretation, apply for public benefits, accompaniment to court, etc.
- WomanKind: https://www.iamwomankind.org/get-help-japanese/
- 24/7 Domestic violence hotline in 18 Asian languages: 1-888-888-7702
- Japanese Americans’ Care Fund: https://www.jacarefund.org/what-we-do/
- Helpline for people who need assistance: sodan@jacarefund.org
- Daily assistance: transportation, meal delivery, grocery shopping, etc.
- Every day issues: family, legal, etc.
- Referrals to Japanese-speaking professionals: lawyers, physicians, translators, social workers, etc.
- Japanese-speaking lawyers/translators list:https://www.us.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_ja/lawyer_interpreter.html
- 日本語対応出来る家庭方専門弁護士、弁護士、通訳者などのリスト
- Law Office of D.J.Jones PLLC: https://djjon.es/?page_id=68
- 日本語で対応してくれるイミグレ・離婚弁護士
- Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia, New York