Understanding by Design (UbD): Teaching “Backwards” Posted on August 13, 2020August 13, 2020Author Hiroko NishimuraPosted in Learning in Public, Tech, Top Posts, Tutorials, WritingLeave a Reply What is Understanding by Design? It’s a way of creating curriculum content “backwards” by starting with “What do we want students to learn?”
Self-Publishing Successful eBooks Posted on July 30, 2020January 19, 2023Author Hiroko NishimuraPosted in Book-Club, Learning in Public, Self-Employment, Tutorials2 Replies How does one self-publish a successful ebook? I investigate what highly successful author Nathan Barry (founder of ConvertKit) had to say.
#100DaysOfCode Challenge Posted on September 13, 2017January 29, 2025Author Hiroko NishimuraPosted in Challenge, Health, Learning in Public, Tech23 Replies I began my first round of “100 Days Of Code” Challenge to brush up on my HTML and CSS skills! #100DaysOfCode